How to add a Promo Code into a Message
  • 02 Jul 2022
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How to add a Promo Code into a Message

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Article summary

You will be likely to send promo codes to your customers.

There are two ways to do that:

  1. Add a promo code into a message as a custom dynamic parameter.

Create a file with identifiers of the customers that contains a promo code for each customer. Follow the guidelines to create a file and send a message using it. This way is convenient if you need to send promo codes only once.

  1. Create a pool of promo codes, issue them to customers, and add them into messages. It is useful if you need to regularly issue promo codes manually or automatically.

Let’s have a closer look at the second way:

  1. Follow the guidelines to create a pool of promo codes.

The pool must be marked as "Can be used" in the UI.

  1. Issue promo codes to your customers:
  • manually (follow the guidelines)
  • in a workflow/ API method
  1. Add a dynamic content message template parameter to the text of your message to send the last received promo code from a pool to each customer.



where "Pool" is a system name of your pool of promo codes.

For example, a message template parameter for the following pool:


will be:
