How to Create an Action Template
  • 31 Mar 2024
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How to Create an Action Template

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Article summary

An action template is a name of a customer-related event.

Some good examples are when the customer visits your website, opens an email, is imported into the database, or tagged for mailings.

Action templates may be used in a wide range of situations. For example:

  • To tag customers at import. This will then allow you to filter customers in order to segment them.

  • To record an action resulting from running an API method on the web site. For example, a product view.

  • To set up a trigger.

How to create an action template

  1. Go to Integration settingsAction templates:


  1. Click Create and select Action template:


  1. Fill in the fields.

Example of a completed template:


Name: the action name. This will be assigned to customers in the system.

Type: the action type. The "Standard" type is used in most cases. Other types are used in action templates that were created automatically.

System name: the name of the action template in the Maestra database. This is used for integrations. The system generates this name automatically.

Campaign: the campaign where this template will be used.

Applied to brands: the brand to apply the template to, provided that the project supports brands.

Categories should be filled in based on the tasks your action template solves. For examples of filled-in Categories, please refer to articles linked on this page.

1st-level category — the overarching category:

  • Customer action: the actions that the customer performs;
  • System action: the actions that we initiate in the system;
  • Tagging action: for example, tagging customers.

2nd-level category: the drop-down list contents depend on what was chosen in the first-level category.

3rd-level category: the drop-down list contents depend on what was chosen in the second-level category.

When applied and Description are optional.

Tags: can be used to group the action templates.

  1. Save your action template:
