What is a Transactional Workflow?
  • 26 Mar 2024
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What is a Transactional Workflow?

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Article summary

Ranked highest in an event processing queue, a transactional workflow, as its name suggests, sends transactional messages.

How to create a transactional workflow

Creating a transactional workflow doesn't mean the entire process has to be transaction-focused – you can select a specific section that will be given priority. When setting up a transactional workflow, ensure it contains the following:

  1. Triggering Event: This could be any event, such as "Order added or changed", "Order status changed", "Authorization code requested", "Customer registered", "Subscription status updated" or "Customer custom field value has changed".
  2. High Priority API Method: The event must originate from an API method marked as "High Priority."
  3. Waiting Period: You can select a timed or fixed waiting that does not exceed 5 minutes.
    Note that any delay selected here does is not accounted for when calculating the guaranteed processing speed.
  4. Steps Node: This includes sending transactional communications via Email, SMS, or Mobile Push notifications, or executing a "Balance - Edit" step.
  5. Sequences: You can employ up to three consecutive transactional step nodes. The timing for each the segment is calculated separately.
  6. No “Split” Node: Split nodes are not allowed within transactional workflows.



The workflow above is labeled as transactional; the green lines connect its nodes.

You can also create a partially transactional workflow.

For example:


The first section of the workflow ranks higher, while the node with a fixed time delay makes the other part of the workflow non-transactional.

If you use a transactional campaign but the workflow has not been labeled as transactional, hover over the flash icon to see which blocks are preventing this from happening.

For example:


How a transactional workflow works

A workflow is determined as transactional and prioritized in the event processing queue if API calls transmit events such as new added orders or changes to order data or status.

A workflow will not be prioritized in the event processing queue if:

  • new orders or order changes are added via import;
  • order statuses are changed manually by users via the interface.