What is an ID History Search?
  • 31 Mar 2024
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What is an ID History Search?

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You can run a historical data search using a customer’s Maestra ID or unique ID. This option is supported if you haven’t disabled customer profile merging in system settings.

After merging customer profiles, the system converts the unique ID of a higher-priority record into the main ID. The customer IDs of lower-priority records are stored in the ID changes history. This means that the customers can still be referred to using any of these IDs — for example, during order delivery, or when personal details are updated in any way. The external system may refer to any of the two customer profiles, whereas the Maestra system refers to the one merged profile.

The same applies to customers’ Maestra IDs. All the Maestra IDs of joined customers are stored in the history. The joined customer record gets a MaestraID regardless of the priority of the original customer records.


The database contains Customer1 under CrmID 301 with email1.

Later, Customer2 signs up under CrmID 103 with email1.

As the emails are the same, the customer records are merged. The Maestra system contains the customer record with email1 under CrmID 103. The ID code CrmID 301 is stored in the history.

The customer places an order. The system requests a corresponding transaction under CrmID 103.

Later, the customer edits their details under CrmID 301 and a phone number is added to their record.

External systems can access any of these details after the profiles have been merged. The customer can therefore make requests under both IDs: CrmID 103 as well as CrmID 301. The customer has their main ID as well as the additional ID stored in the history. The history supports multiple IDs.