What to Do if You Have a High Email Unsubscribe Rate
  • 23 Jan 2024
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What to Do if You Have a High Email Unsubscribe Rate

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Article summary

High email unsubscribe rate can indicate a number of issues — here are some solutions.

Customers are receiving campaigns too often

  • For regular campaigns, create a segment with active customers. Include less active customers in only the most important campaigns.
  • Send an email to new subscribers immediately after they sign up, asking them to select their preferred frequency for receiving campaigns. Make sure to send emails according to each customer’s preferences.
  • Set up a segment that regulates how often manual and automatic campaigns are sent to each customer.

Customers are no longer interested in receiving your campaigns

Minimize your unsubscribe rate by regularly cleaning your database and removing inactive customers from your email list. Learn how to identify inactive customers in this article.

Customers are receiving the campaigns they have not subscribed to

Make sure customers have the option to opt out of receiving email campaigns by ensuring that the email subscription checkbox is not pre-selected when they register on your website or system.

In addition, we recommend using double opt-in (DOI) to confirm a customer’s subscription only after they click the confirmation link. This method ensures that your subscriber database only includes customers who have definitely consented to receiving your emails.